Table is the default tab in Activity center. In this view projects and activities are presented in a tabular format.
The main elements of the Table tab are:
- Title bar with the view management button
- Quick access bar
- Toolbar
- Grid with configurable columns
Title bar
Activity center allows you to create views (see Saved views), which are sets of filters you save to come back to later. The title bar shows the currently selected view. The view button is used to rename or save the currently selected view if changes are needed.
Quick access bar
The bar consists of four access buttons:
- Time logs
- My assignments
- Approval requests
- Notifications
Each of these opens the respective screen.
This is where the main controls are located:
- Filters
- Group by
- Show
- Sort
- Columns, and
- More actions
To learn more about each of the controls, see Activity center - overview.
The grid offers a tabular presentation of your data with columns adjustable in width and position. The columns can be hidden, removed, added, frozen, relocated by drag-n-drop, and sorted in alphabetical order. For more details, see Activity Center - overview.