Approval requests is a page where you can view and manage the pending approval requests or past ones. You can see all accepted, rejected and cancelled requests you have access to. Moreover, you can access the message for which approval was requested directly, thus greatly saving time hunting for unattended messages.
Accessing Approval requests
In order to access the page with Approval requests just click in the upper right toolbar.
In progress requests
To view and manage pending requests:
- Access the Approval requests page.
- Go to In progress tab.
- To access a message, click anywhere on its row.
Historical requests
To view and manage past requests:
- Access the Approval requests page.
- Go to History tab.
- To access a message, click anywhere on its row.
Cancelled requests
When the requester posts a new request, the preceding unanswered request, i.e., neither approved nor rejected, is canceled out, and a "This request was cancelled" entry appears on the list of requests.
Approval workflow
Approval request email notification is independent of the main notification system. That is, a user will be notified of approvals requested from them even if the main notification system is turned off.
To be able to access the message board of the respective activity, an approver must have the "View" permission enabled in their access level.
Users with the "Can't login" status cannot be approvers, and do not appear on the Request approval list.
There cannot be two or more ongoing approval processes within the message board of an activity. Before starting an approval process, make sure the current one has been completed.
Typical approval workflow include the following stages:
- A post is created on the message board of an activity/project.
- The creator of the post selects a list of approvers from among project members/assignees.
To be able to select project members as approvers of the post, the post creator must have the "View all (members and assignees)" permission enabled in their project access level.
- The approval alert appears on the top menu bar in the creator's account showing unread posts waiting approval, rejected or approved.
- An approval request notification is sent out to the approvers (with a message "Approval pending notice has been added") to draw their attention to the post waiting their approval.
- Each approver clicks "Approve" or "Reject" button in the approval pending notification letter they receive. The "+ Add message" button allows an approver to provide feedback on the post before approving or rejecting it.
- The status of approval ("Approved by" or "Rejected by") is visible to all the approvers as a caption under the post in question, e.g., "Approved by 3 of 5".
- Using the status of the approval process, the creator can approach those approvers who have failed to approve, reject or provide feedback on the post. This ensures transparent and efficient approval procedure.