How do I mention a team member or a whole team on a message board?
Message board @-mentions work in a similar way except they lack the follower functionality. The essence of the feature is that as you type in the message box a "@" character (preceded by a space or being the first character of a line) a list of available users/teams will pop up for you to select from.
To narrow the list proceed to type any letter or sequential letters occurring in the name of the user you want to mention. As you select the user on the list, a tag, e.g. , is inserted. The process of inserting such a tag is called mentioning.
There are a few important points to know about the @mention feature:
- The user (including as part of a team) being mentioned is notified only once regardless of how many tags mention him in the same message.
- The @ character should be the first on the line or there should be a space before @ for the functionality to work, e.g. if you type an email address the @ character will not be recognized as a @mention one.
In a message, you can mention any user or team available in the system with the following exceptions:
- "Cannot login" users,
- Guest users, or
- Inactive users.
Guest users cannot be mentioned, nor can they mention anyone, except themselves, on project message boards due to their role limitations.
Mentioning a user/team
Use the steps below to mention a user or team on a message board.
- Type a @ character (as the first character of the message).
- If the list is short, select the user by clicking it (for mouse users), or move up or down the list with the Up or Down arrow keys and press Tab (for keyboard users). If the list is long, proceed to type the first or any sequential letters in the name, only matching users remaining on the list as a result.
- Proceed to finish the message.
- Click Post (for mouse users) or press Ctrl + Enter (for keyboard users).
Outgoing message grace period
Message notifications are sent 2 minutes after being added. If the message is edited during this grace period, the mentioned user will receive one notification about the updated message 2 minutes after the last correction. If the message is edited within more than 2 minutes after adding – they will receive an additional notification about the updated message (however, the notification will be about an added message, not edited message).